Are you skilled at financial reports? Are you passionate about Preservation? Do you have experience in Nonprofit Management? Do you consider yourself a professional audience member, an arts advocate or enthusiast, a heritage or preservation volunteer? Are you deeply involved with the Humanities?
Have you ever wondered how Cultural Trust Development Grant Program proposals are reviewed and scored?
Now is the time to find out!
If you are interested and qualified (or know someone else who is) and if you have the time to read and score multiple grant proposals followed by a day in Salem reviewing and recommending competitive proposals in an open, transparent forum, the Oregon Cultural Trust hopes you will apply (or nominate someone else) to be one of our FY2015 grant panelists!
Please read and fill out this nomination form and send it to, fax it to 503-986-0260 or mail it to: 775 Summer Street NE #200, Salem, OR 97301.
Your time and interest are deeply appreciated!