
Get our latest news or learn about some of the life-changing cultural projects we’ve funded across the state. Also hear from our many cultural partners about how their work is making Oregon a better place to live, work and play.

Linn County Cultural Coalition seeks grant proposals

Gazette Times.comYour Opportunities, Febraury 3, 2012 LinnCounty Cultural Coalition seeks grant proposals – Grants must be received by 5p.m. Friday, Feb. 17. The Linn County Cultural Coalition is…

Oregon Cultural Trust Board Elects New Officers

Bob Speltz of Portland Elected Chairman February 1, 2012—Salem, ORE. The Oregon Cultural Trust, Oregon’s innovative public-private partnership to raise cultural funding, has elected Bob Speltz of Portland…

White Bird Co-Founders, Walter Jaffe and Paul King, Receive National Award for Programming Excellence

White Bird Co-Founders, Walter Jaffe and Paul King, Receive National Award for Programming Excellence

Portland’s White Bird, the sole dance-only presenter west of the Rockies, and Co-Founders Walter Jaffe and Paul King, are enormously honored to be the recipient of the 2012…

A Splendid Kick Off  for an Art Program

A Splendid Kick Off for an Art Program

By Kannikar PetersenColumbia County Cultural Coalition Board MemberJanuary 2012 ‘Free Art and Craft Workshops’ have taken off with a strong start. The Art Quilting Workshop, the first workshop…

Culture Will Happen in Historic Towns

Culture Will Happen in Historic Towns

When I walk through the door of The St Joseph’s Catholic Rectory, on Sunday afternoon, I am greeted warmly by Don Kack, who shakes my hand vigorously and…

Culture Will Happen in Railroad Parks

Retired Forest Service worker, Gerald Hellinga (center), Allen Dobney (right), whose father worked the Southern Pacific Railroad and John Powell (left), who also worked the rails, greet me…

Culture Will Happen in Historic Places

Vietnam Veteran Dennis Strayer, who retired from the Forest Service before volunteering at the Kerbyville Museum, introduced me to board members Linda Butler, Chuck Rigby and Lloydeen Davis…

Lane County Cultural Coalition 2012 Grant Application is Available

Lane County Cultural Coalition EnewsletterJanuary 25, 2012 The 2012 Lane CountyCultural Opportunity Grant application is now available on our website. Cultural Opportunity Grants providecounty recognition and support to…

Culture Will Happen in Libraries

On Saturday morning we met board and staff of the Josephine Community Libraries, an organization that formed because the community needed to reopen four branches of the county…

Culture Will Happen, Part I

Culture Will Happen, Part I

What do a retired Forest Service Ranger, a caterer, a Vietnam Veteran, former rail worker, retired Library Science non-fiction specialist, three parishioners and the son of a Southern…

What Historic Place Will You Find?

Larger-than-life sized statue of Paul Bunyan in Portland? Check. Mid-century modern 99W Drive-In in Newberg? Yep. The unique Petersen Rock Gardens near Redmond? You got it. Oregonis full…

A Separate, Luminous Being

A Separate, Luminous Being

In 1999 I was a new member of the Friends of William Stafford board and, by that time, I’d already hosted two very successful January William Stafford Birthday…
