
Get our latest news or learn about some of the life-changing cultural projects we’ve funded across the state. Also hear from our many cultural partners about how their work is making Oregon a better place to live, work and play.

Donors boost fiscal year fundraising to $5.7 million

Donors boost fiscal year fundraising to $5.7 million

Salem, Ore. – Donations to the Oregon Cultural Trust surpassed $5.7 million in fiscal year 2022, an 11.7 percent increase over fiscal year 2021. The amount also surpasses…

Governor Brown extends Anis Mojgani’s term as Oregon Poet Laureate through 2024

Governor Brown extends Anis Mojgani’s term as Oregon Poet Laureate through 2024

Salem, Ore. – Anis Mojgani (AH-neess Mozh-GAH-nee) will remain Oregon Poet Laureate through 2024, Governor Kate Brown announced today. Mojgani, a two-time individual champion of the National Poetry…

Sen. Bill Hansell and Rep. John Lively  appointed to Cultural Trust Board of Directors

Sen. Bill Hansell and Rep. John Lively appointed to Cultural Trust Board of Directors

Salem, Oregon – Sen. Bill Hansell (R-Athena) and Rep. John Lively (D-Springfield) have been appointed to the Oregon Cultural Trust Board of Directors. Sen. Hansell, who was appointed…

2022 ‘Conversations with Funders and Partners’ goes virtual April 12-21

2022 ‘Conversations with Funders and Partners’ goes virtual April 12-21

Salem, Ore. – Grant makers offering more than $5 million in funding for FY2023 will gather virtually with the Oregon Cultural Trust for four regional 2022 “Conversations with…

Oregonians donate $5.55 million to Cultural Trust in 2021 to support statewide arts, heritage and humanities organizations

Oregonians donate $5.55 million to Cultural Trust in 2021 to support statewide arts, heritage and humanities organizations

Salem, Ore. – Donations to the Oregon Cultural Trust surpassed $5.55 million in 2021, a 6.7 percent increase over 2020’s record-setting results of $5.2 million. The funds will…

20 years of funding for Oregon culture!

20 years of funding for Oregon culture!

This month’s brand story in Oregon Business magazine shares how the Cultural Trust, in its first 20 years, has proven itself a stable source of funding for Oregon…

Call for Nominations: Oregon’s 11th Poet Laureate

Call for Nominations: Oregon’s 11th Poet Laureate

PORTLAND, Ore.— The Oregon Poet Laureate Program is now accepting nominations for the state’s next poet laureate. Over the course of a two-year term, the poet laureate fosters the art…

Record FY2022 grant awards announced! Cultural Trust awards more than $3.2 million  to 140 Oregon cultural organizations in its 20th anniversary year

Record FY2022 grant awards announced! Cultural Trust awards more than $3.2 million to 140 Oregon cultural organizations in its 20th anniversary year

Salem, Ore. – Today the Oregon Cultural Trust marks its 20th anniversary by announcing a record-setting $3,254,441 in grant awards to 140 cultural organizations across the state. Made…

Announcing the new Celebrate Oregon! Cultural Trust License Plate!

Announcing the new Celebrate Oregon! Cultural Trust License Plate!

A new license plate design that celebrates Oregon and the diversity of its culture will debut Oct. 1 in recognition of the Oregon Cultural Trust’s 20th Anniversary. The…



Salem, Ore. – Grant makers offering more than $5 million in funding for FY2022 gathered online for the Cultural Trust’s 2021 “Conversations with Funders and Partners” event on…

Sean Andries and Myong-Hui Murphy appointed to Cultural Trust Board of Directors; Niki Price succeeds Chuck Sams as chair

Sean Andries and Myong-Hui Murphy appointed to Cultural Trust Board of Directors; Niki Price succeeds Chuck Sams as chair

Salem, Oregon – Sean Andries, the executive director of the Chehalem Cultural Center in Newberg, and Myong-Hui Murphy, co-owner of Global Art of Dance in Beaverton, have been…

Oregonians respond to cultural community’s need by donating record $5.2 million to Cultural Trust in 2020

Oregonians respond to cultural community’s need by donating record $5.2 million to Cultural Trust in 2020

Salem, Ore. – Donations to the Oregon Cultural Trust surpassed $5 million for the first time ever in 2020, as generous Oregonians responded to the cultural community’s urgent…
